The Future of Property Security- A New Solution From Facility Management Companies in Saudi Arabia

Facility Management companies in Saudi Arabia are driving the future of property security by introducing new and innovative solutions. Discover how their services are changing the way properties are secured in the region.

How does Bricks operate?

Bricks is a cloud-based facility management software now available to property and facility owners in Saudi Arabia, mainly residential complexes and compound owners. Our software operates on two distinct levels: a web portal and a mobile app. The web portal is managed by Bricks employees, landlords, or the compound management team. All tenants, maintenance employees, and security personnel can download the mobile app.

Security Services from Facility Management Companies in Saudi Arabia

In this article, we will highlight the importance of 2 security features of our software and application; relative and service visits.


Facility Management Companies in Riyadh Provide Security

Riyadh is the most populated city in Saudi Arabia, with over 4.2 million people, and is the city with the most residential compounds and complexes. We are well aware of the popularity of residential complexes and other housing facilities in Riyadh. Our security features will help your security personnel manage all incoming and outgoing traffic from your facility or residential complex. This feature is essential for complexes and facilities in all of Riyadh but is even more critical in Northern Riyadh. Away from the busy city center, tenants are moving from central and southern Riyadh, looking for more acceptable housing solutions in the Northern region. Potential tenants will seek security reassurance, as many of these areas are new and unoccupied. Simply placing security personnel on the residential compound is not enough; a communication channel must exist between the tenants and the security team. That is where Bricks offers the solution. Bricks’ tenants are requested to submit a simple relatives request on their applications 24 hours before the actual visit so that the security personnel can monitor incoming traffic to the residential compound.

The request is then reviewed and accepted by security personnel, allowing for ease of access to approved visitors only.

Facility Management Companies in Jeddah Provide Safety

Jeddah is the second most populated city in Jeddah, with over 2.8 million residents. A similar shift is happening in Jeddah, as most people are currently moving from Southern and central Jeddah to Northern Jeddah. Our security services will be as important here as in Riyadh’s new regions. Another way of monitoring incoming traffic into the complex is through service requests.


Tenants can choose the service type, such as cleaning or delivery services, so that the security personnel only allow entry to Monitoring and tracking visits within the facility, including services and relatives visits, will add to your potential tenants' sense of security.

Why Choose Bricks?

Bricks is available and fully operational in Saudi Arabia’s two major cities, Riyadh and Jeddah. Our facility management services include services that regulate security operations within the residential complex/facility. Making your facility or residential complex safer for your tenants will improve their overall experience and quality of life. That, in addition to other features of your facility, will encourage more tenants to choose your residential complex and style of living. Create a safe environment for tenants; choose Bricks today.

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